About us

The Rehabilitation Centre for Children with Special Needs, one of the first in Russia, was opened in Kazan on 30 December 1993. The centre is a division of the Social Protection Board and provides comprehensive and systematic rehabilitation for children with various afflictions under the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Special Needs in the Russian Federation”. 
    The centre’s purpose is to provide professional medical, social, psychological and educational assistance to children with physical and mental disabilities and to help them fully integrate in social and family life, study and work.

 The centre’s goals 
  •     To develop innovative social methods for comprehensive rehabilitation;
  •     To implement wellness methodologies contributing to enhanced quality of life and social adaptation;
  •     To improve individual rehabilitation programmes and active monitoring of the rehabilitation process;
  •     To develop cooperation with various establishments and administrations (in healthcare, education, culture; with non-governmental organisations, religious groups, etc.) to encourage comprehensive problem-solving;
  •     To improve work with staff to raise their professional skills and encourage self-study.
    The centre’s structure:
  •     Social adaptation department
  •     Medical and social rehabilitation department

    Grammar School No. 78 holds classes at the centre